Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, energy sector
On 18/6, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Trade and Industry in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) organized a workshop on the basis of emission and transfer training inventory of greenhouse gas energy sector.
The workshop is part of the project Technical Assistance Program implementation goals national response to climate change – energy field and Transport by the Nordic Development Fund financed through ADB.
At the conference, Mr. Shahab Qureshi, expert project presented calculation methodology, structure, design and develop data for method and tool inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector in national and local development and evaluation methodologies and estimates of greenhouse gas emissions under the normal scenario development and green growth. Estimates are made for the mass residential, industrial, commercial and transportation …
The project will develop methodologies and tools to assess the level of suffering and the ability of vulnerable energy infrastructure and transportation Vietnam before the impact of climate change. The possibility of suffering and vulnerability mapping and will be expressed in the form of climate risk map.
The project also estimated the impact of the cost-benefit adaptation options to increase resilience to climate change and before assessing the impact of climate change on electricity demand in the future Vietnam in the future.
In particular, at the conference, experts and delegates also discussed the results of the greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector facilities and transportation strategies to implement greenhouse gas emission reductions in the period to.
The project will prepare the action plan outlining the need for climate change adaptation in the period 2016-2020, building institutional capacity for planning and design of the content adaptation climate change behind in the field of energy and transport, raising awareness for the leaders of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the field of energy and transport, the design of the pilot project greenhouse gas emissions glass in accordance with the national strategy for green growth. /.