Esco Hatech
ESCO HATECH is a company under the support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Vietnam National Energy Efficiency Program (VNEEP). It is the first and only one company in Vietnam providing comprehensive packages of energy saving solutions with financial support to enterprises.
ESCO HATECH provides a large range of energy services including:
Energy audit (to identify and evaluate energy saving opportunities)
Develop and manage energy saving projects, including technical preparation, project design and operation.
Shared benefit with efficient investment: ESCO HATECH makes an
investment to energy saving project and gets benefit from the actual
saving on energy.
Supervise project and ensure energy saving (with guaranteed energy efficiency contract).
Provide end-use energy with lower cost to customers. If enterprises invest in energy savings through ESCO HATECH, they just have to work with one party only, and just have to care about: the contract terms such as commitment on minimum energy saving percentage, warranty period, the payback period, project period, and payment terms. After that, enterprises and ESCO HATECH verify actual savings after using the equipments. All project expenses will be advanced by ESCO HATECH, enterprise will take a part of the cost saving to pay ESCO HATECH monthly. The benefit of this program is the entire energy savings and other benefits of the project belong to the enterprise in the long term.